Effective methods to Revolutionize Sales Strategy Approaches in 2021

Estimated read time 6 min read

Business Sales Transformation

The year 2020 had much crisis and it was not as expected by many. Moreover, there has been a great adverse effect in the global economy all over the world which in turn has brought a rapid change or transformation of sales in many B2B companies. Everything has changed completely like the way they sell and the interaction with the customers is very different from the way they used to practice or do in the 21st century of digital engagement. The overall business development has been stuck down due to COVID-19 that holds back all sales and technology in digital marketing. Pandemic has made many companies rethink remote sales.

So now, it is the right time to have a transformation in Business sales in the forthcoming year 2021. Here in this article we discuss some of the successful business strategies implemented and change the scenario into the blooming one. In order to move forward, the marketing team has to be more innovative, creative, and resourceful.

sales transformation

Some of the Effective Sales Strategies to be followed in 2021

  • Find the Right People and opportunities at right time for your business
  • Sales intelligence technology used extensively
  • B2B Sales Personalization
  • Sales Persons must be continuously given better training and well-coached
  • B2B sales mainly focused on customer needs or it is customer-centric

Apart from these major trends that bring out a vast change in the business economy, there are a few more to be considered which may or may not bring an impact in the sales strategy and they are,

  • Security & Privacy
  • Smart Bot calls
  • GPT-3 for B2B sales

Find Right People & Opportunities at right time for your business

The First vast improvement that one should focus on in 2021 is that finding the people who need the product or service really has to be identified and analyzed completely. After the complete analysis on CRM of ideal customers, next, find out the ways to generate the leads quickly targeting the business that actually is converted.

Business sales

During the pandemic, the main change that has happened is moving on to remote work and remote sales. So accordingly based on the situation it is better and it is the right time to shift from offline business to the new modern era digitally. The marketers should be more data-driven to deliver highly targeted campaigns and personalized customer experiences. In addition, we can see that the salesperson targets or focus mainly on social selling, sharing relevant content, and building relationships with the customers.

 Sales Intelligence Technology Extensively used

As we, all are moving into the digitized business world, the B2B business involves more number of sales intelligence tools like identifying, tracking, analyzing, and interacting with the existing potential customers that helps a lot in the sales process. The Salespersons should be more predictable about the demand in the sales and respond to the same as early as possible.

Sales Intelligence

B2B Sales Personalization

Nowadays with technology advancement, the buyers themselves had become an expert in finding lots of information online about the products and services they want. Therefore, the generic sales will not at all help thereafter. Everything in sales depends on the overall buyer experience, effective communication channel, and the insights and information delivered up to date.

Customers these days expect salespeople to communicate directly and clearly understand the critical requirements and anticipate their needs quickly. Many platforms help you in identifying nearly 1000’s of UK companies and provide up to date information from agile startup small businesses and high growth company details.

It is important for a salesperson that once identified and qualifies the leads be prepared with a well-researched email or conversation directly with the customers to satisfy their need exactly.

Sales Persons must be continuously given better training and well-coached

Although many technologies arise and there are sales, automations like bots with the help of AI (Artificial Intelligence) still the B2B sales need the human power, intelligence and emotions to deliver numerous sales. The Salespersons should realize that sales enablement is a continual process, which requires constant and continuous improvement in all aspects.

Today many marketing platforms allow you to send thousands of emails at a time but this would certainly lead to chaos and confusion. Without a well-trained and prospective group and personalized communication of salesperson will damage the brand’s reputation if processed using the technological tools. To have a successful sale in the organization one should invest more in sales training and coaching to convert them into trusted sales advisors.

digital transformation

In addition, these types of training and coaching enhance the modern trend termed as “Collaboration”. It is found that nearly 78% of salespeople say that collaborative selling is more important in the current scenario. It brings all together like sales, marketing, customer support, and product services more effectively during collaboration.

B2B sales mainly focused on customer needs or it is customer-centric

The salesperson should always have a 360-degree view of customers and prospects, which will be acquainted by the organization in their database. This in turn will help to provide consolidated information of a particular customer that facilitates multi-channel sales and marketing efforts. There would be an increase in sales and revenue only when there is a proper or better understanding of how different activities create revenue in different forms.

Some advantages of sales person’s effective actions like,

  • Needs Identified
  • Selection of potential customers or vendors
  • Timeline decided in advance
  • Lead qualification
  • Meeting with the customers
  • Proposal released

The above makes sense in today’s B2B World, which also increases the salesforce of a business. Google has coined the term micro-moments, which is highly, used in B2C that is widely used to scrutinize customer journey and increase the ROI in the business marketing world. With great advancement in Technology (Digital channels) and data-driven marketing, it is expected that people start reacting to micro-moments in the year 2021.

As from the beginning, we focus on digital marketing and remote sales after the pandemic, the security and privacy issues must be given more attention in order to build trust with potential buyers.

Similarly, these bot calls would help in the marketing field tremendously for both salespeople and buyers where the conversation and trust are clearly established. Nowadays more companies use bots to update their customers with their product details.

GPT-3 for B2B sales represents the NLP (Natural Language Processing) which uses machine learning to generate human-like text. This GPT is used to generate a wealth of content. This process will help the salesperson to engage digital customers in a personalized and scalable way.


Hence, the above-mentioned are some of the Effective Strategies in B2B Marketing to increase or enhance sales in 2021. Hope all these methods are clear and easy to implement in your business and succeed in various aspects with the help of technological advancement.


Proud Content Writer / Blogger & the one who believe Quality articles are much valuable and powerful than tip of a Sword.

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