How fleet management can increase productivity for growing businesses?

fleet management for business growth

When running a growing business, there are many things to focus on. One of the key tasks is maximizing the businesses productivity and keeping up with demand even with a small workforce. There are many different ways to keep up and also increase the productivity of a workforce, but some businesses may think that because of their industry, they are limited by their staff numbers or other factors. While this may be the case for some, it is certainly not true for all.

Businesses who operate a commercial fleet of vehicles may not realize it, but they have a wide range of areas where they can make changes that can increase their productivity. Below are some of those areas along with how fleet management can help change them.

Driver productivity

For businesses with a commercial fleet, no matter if they’re providing a service such as local electricians or mechanics, or delivering goods to customers, their drivers’ productivity is vitally important. Some people may think that this is not something businesses can control, due to external factors such as traffic and road incidents which may cause delays.

While this is true in some regards, businesses who use fleet management technology can increase their driver’s productivity thanks to route planning and analysis. Fleet tracking systems installed in commercial vehicles allow businesses to see the routes their driver is taking each day and then plan more time-efficient alternatives in the future. This means that drivers can reach more customers each day and therefore increase the productivity of the business.

For young businesses who are growing and may not have a vast commercial fleet to deal with lots of orders, they must be able to maximize their existing fleet’s productivity, and fleet management allows them to do this.

Driver productivity in fleet management

Administrative tasks

One part of running a commercial fleet which often isn’t taken into account is the administrative tasks which go alongside it. For a growing business, the time taken to complete tasks such as working out how long each driver has been working, or the fuel costs for individual vehicles can take up valuable time and energy. If a business only has a small staff where people are handling multiple roles, then the time taken for this is being taken away from other jobs which may have a more significant impact on long-term productivity. By using telematics and fleet management technology, these administrative tasks can be streamlined, and the time taken to complete them significantly reduced.

Unforeseen problems with vehicles

Any vehicle owner, either commercial of personal, will know that unforeseen breakdowns or maintenance are to be expected and are sometimes unavoidable. However, this is not always the case. Most vehicles will show signs of a problem developing before it becomes an issue. This is why, particularly for commercial vehicles, regular maintenance checks are so important.

If a commercial vehicle was to break down during the working day, it could cause problems for a supply chain or delay customers receiving their order. Fleet management systems allow businesses to closely track their vehicles’ maintenance needs and identify times when vehicles should go in for scheduled maintenance. Therefore, this will enable businesses to plan around a vehicle’s absence with their remaining commercial fleet to minimise the disruption caused by a reduced fleet.

Saving which lead to investment

Investment is a vital part of any business’s success. This investment can be from internal sources, profits and savings, or external sources, new investment. Making savings where possible is a goal all businesses share, and for those businesses who operate a commercial fleet, there are several areas where financial savings are possible. As mentioned earlier, by planning and using more time-efficient routes, commercial drivers can reach more customers each day. While this increases the productivity of the business, using improved routes has other benefits.

By taking routes which require less time waiting in stationary traffic with their engine idling or crawling along as part of stop-start traffic in known congestion spots, commercial vehicles can use less fuel. This is not only beneficial for the environment but also the finances of a business. Less fuel used means that costs for fuel are reduced.

Furthermore, some fleet management systems include an in-cab coaching system which alerts the driver to dangerous actions on the road. These actions include speeding and harsh accelerating and braking, all of which could cause an accident. Accidents involving commercial vehicles can be very serious considering their size. Furthermore, these accidents could have financial implications for the business, such as repair or replacement costs for vehicles and increased insurance prices. A study carried out showed that when drivers received feedback and alerts from in-cab systems, they were significantly less likely to commit these dangerous actions, and therefore safer on the road.

fleet management

The savings made from reduced fuel usage and improved driver safety can then be reinvested into the business, potentially to increase the size of a commercial fleet or on other aspects of the business to increase productivity.

Developing a business which can increase its productivity as it grows has a wide range of benefits and demonstrates it is set up well for future success. Making use of fleet management technology can enable growing business with a commercial fleet to do this.