Top 21 Business Blogs for Small Business


If you are running a small business and want to have a blog for your business that generates engaging comments with daily visitors to your blog, then start immediately with no further delay. This article gives you the curated list of business blogs that would certainly help you in all aspects. In general, blogs considered a great source for an entrepreneur or a self-employed person who wants to develop a successful venture.

Nowadays, UK people are very much passionate about starting a business or getting self-employed, where the internet plays a vital role as a place for everything like business, news, and still many more. If you want to be more successful in your business, then starting a blog is one of the most attractive ways to increase the visibility of your business as well as convert the readers into regular customers using your business tactics.

Some of the attractive benefits of starting a blog for your business are,

Business blog benefits

Enhance Search Engine Optimisation

Always the search engines provide valuable and new content to the readers with blog posts. By posting frequent content to your blog, you make google to index and create new opportunities with keywords you provide and increase the visibility on SERP. In addition, you can benefit from the backlinks, which the search engine consider as the great endorsement of the authority of your website.

A proper relationship with new and existing customers

Blogs usually allow you to connect with the visitors easily and know their opinions by simply allowing them to comment and send feedback at the end of the post. By responding to the comments of your audience, you can build trust and insights that the customers look into your business.

Generate Leads and create an opportunity for sharing

You can hold off your blog to get mails and ask them to subscribe to your blog posts. In addition, those emails used for marketing purposes to promote your business. More often, you connect with readers a better chance of converting them into customers for your business.

Create a platform for sharing ideas and views

Effortlessly you can increase credibility, website traffic to your site, and boost search engine rankings. In addition to this, you create an opportunity for your customers to share your blog with others.

Apart from all of these, from research, it states that 38% of marketers consider blogs as the most important method for content marketing. B2B companies with blogs get 67% greater leads than those who do not. Moreover, websites with blogs get 434% of indexed pages than without blogs. Hope now you will know the importance of blogs for your small business.

Business Blogs for Small Business

1. Informi


Informi is the blog where the Business support and advice made easy for small business owners. In an ever-increasing entrepreneurs era, they provide support to millions of SMEs, Sole traders, and many startup companies. Informi has been nominated for the UX UK award in 2016. They had also launched content partnerships with the likes of Lloyds Bank and Arval. They had published an eBook on “how to start a business in 20 days”, which is downloaded over 10,000 times. Their research campaigns include studies on “Best Places to start a small business”.

2. Shopify-eCommerce marketing blog


Shopify is an eCommerce platform to start and grow your business rapidly. They provide a great service to people by reducing the barriers in business to make commerce platform easier for everyone. Businesses on Shopify has contributed around $319billion in economic activity worldwide from 2016 to 2019.

3. Women 2.0

women 2.0

Women 2.0 Is a company that mainly focuses on gender, diversity, and inclusion in tech and startup companies. It has provided many articles, interviews with successful female entrepreneurs and had published quality content that mainly focuses on helping business create diverse with inclusive environments that provide great support in the advancement of women and under presented groups.

4. Forbes entrepreneurs

forbes entrepreneur

Forbes Entrepreneurs is a blog that supports small business entrepreneurs as great business leaders. UK People consider the trusted blog for reliable business and financial information for many business owners and entrepreneurs. They bring out the top talented persons in the business and share their views.

5. Simply Business

simply business

Simply Business is the blog that ensures small businesses by enabling bigger dreams. It is one of the UK’s largest business insurance and Landlord insurance providers. Nearly 3 million small businesses and self-employed people find protection that is right for them. Their fast and supportive claims get the customer back on track quickly.

6. Hubspot blog


Hubspot blog helps millions of businesses grow better with the belief that businesses can grow with a conscience, succeed with the soul, and implement the same with inbound. They had created various platforms like software, education, and community to help businesses grow faster and better every day. It is well known for its sales and marketing software product even though they offer web analytics, content management, and Search engine optimization tools.

7. TechCrunch


TechCrunch is a great blog for people who love gadgets and Technology. It is all about technology-related valuable information for business owners and entrepreneurs in an enjoyable way. It supports many startups business and mobility videos for all age people.

8. Real Business

Real Business

Real Business the real source of inspiration, education, and collaboration for the business owners of fast-growing businesses. It supports startups and mid-range companies in all aspects of their business-related issues. Real Business and Business advice are dedicated to telling the truth about SME life today. Real Business has championed entrepreneurship in the UK since 1997.

9. Copyblogger


Are you looking for superior business results then start creating superior content for your business. They support content marketing, copywriting, and persuasion. They also offer free access to proven marketing training.

10. LinkedIn


LinkedIn is one of the world’s great professional network with millions of users in more than 200 countries in the world. It thrives hard to create economic opportunities for all individuals of the global workforce. Its focuses on diversified business with revenues from various subscriptions, advertisements, and recruitment solutions.


 11. WPbeginner


WPBeginner is an open-source WP resource site for beginners. It aims in providing quality tips, tricks, and hacks, which allows WordPress beginners to improve their sites in all aspects. They also provide useful tutorials that are easy to understand for all small businesses, bloggers, and non-techy WordPress Website owners.

12. The Knowledge Hub

Knowledge hub

The Knowledge hub is the best source for business advice and articles for small business owners to reach their pinnacle in a short time. It is a UK based business lender and web platform with a difference. They provide new and innovative ideas to revolutionize the world of business funding.

13. Mixergy


Mixergy is ambitious learning from a mix of experienced mentors through interviews and courses. It helps many business owners to learn from proven entrepreneurs. It also provides you a few suggestions and advice on how to improve the focus of your business and increase revenue with the rules applies.

14. Sage Advice

Sage advice

Sage is the marketplace for integrated accounting and payment systems supporting the ambitions of the world’s entrepreneurs. We strive hard to drive today’s business builders with a new generation of solutions to manage everything from money to people. We transform the way people think and work into organizational success.

15. Grant Cardone

Grant cardone

Grant Cardone is a successful entrepreneur who supports and provides business advice for small business owners to reach their goals. His advice help the owners to overcome the limitations and maintain consistent growth in their business. His viewpoints on leadership, small business, employment. Retail sales have made him a valuable resource for media seeking commentary and insights on real topics that matter.

16. Neil Patel

Neil Patel

Neil Patel is a well-known person in the world of SEO. He is a digital marketing expert and Bestselling author of the New York Times and a great entrepreneur and it would be worth following him. His blog focuses mainly on digital marketing starting from Google algorithm update to content marketing and social media hacks. He also posts content in podcasts and videos.

17. Leadpages Blog


Leadpages blog mainly focuses on conversion marketing. It helps to turn your consultancy into a lead capturing, client winning, and revenue-generating business. They provide guide and support for landing pages, lead generation, and conversion rate optimization. Also, they help the beginners to build up their site for business on the weekend with step-by-step guidelines.

18. SEMrush Blog


SEMrush is the online visibility management and content marketing SaaS platform. They help nearly 6 million marketers all over the world to do their job effectively and deliver superior results. It is one of the world’s leading competitive services for online marketing.

19. Mashable


Mashable is the fastest growing business news website around the world. It is the Digital news source for the emerging generation of business leaders. Nearly 25 million readers read this blog monthly, where the readers get an amazing synergy between India and Foreign counterpart. It is innovative journalism keeping the readers up to date on economic news as well as interviews with top entrepreneurs. In addition to this, they also cover educated predictions, trend analysis, and few tips on how to improve business.

20. Teachable’s blog

Teachable blog

Teachable blog allows the reader to create online courses with a wide range of information and sell it online. This blog would certainly help you in creating the course with high-qualified information, attract your audience easily, and avail many pieces of training.

21. Thought Reach

thought reachThought Reach is a site dedicated to helping small businesses thrive by providing guides on how to make the most profit with limited startup capital. They mainly focus on converting leads through various techniques, including conversion rate optimisation and improving customer services, specifically via the telephone.


The above-mentioned are the top 20 Business blogs that heed for Small Business. Apart from these, there are various other strategies to succeed in the business. Listed out here for your reference if needed.

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