7 Signs You Need to Replace Your Windows

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Signs needed to replace your windows

Ensuring whether you need new windows depends on several factors. Regardless of a perfect maintenance schedule, timely wear and tear are inevitable. On average, windows last up to 20 years, considering maintenance and proper care. But with ongoing trends or the quality of windows, many consider an early replacement.

Keeping old and damaged windows can turn into a problem for your home. Also, they are a safety hazard. So here are seven signs that will tell you if your windows need replacement.

Difficult to open

Are your windows functioning correctly? If not, then it is obvious your windows need replacement. There can be many reasons for your windows not opening, like dust build-up, swelling, faulty roller system, tight spring, etc. Consider replacing windows if the problem persists after a repair and maintenance service.

sign to replace windows It’s been a long time

A prominent indicator for window replacement is the age of your windows. If you have had these windows for over 20 years, start looking for window companies in Leicester. Now, you will have many new and great choices with the advancement in window technology and trends. The right window company will help you choose the best for your home.

Cracks and damages

This one may seem obvious, but you should look closely at your windows. Some damages aren’t as apparent as you would think. Look for chipping on window frames and water stains on the glass. Also, the glass can have cracks or be completely damaged. It can have a negative effect on the energy efficiency of your home and the practicality of windows.

Condensation build-up

Condensation occurs in colder weather or humidity when warm, moist indoor air collides with a cooler surface. It is an entirely natural process. But, it is a sign of your window seals failing and leaking air. It can increase humidity in your home in summer and create drafts in winter. It also leads to mould, mildew, and rotting wood. So consider replacing the windows or getting them inspected by an expert.

windows to be replace

Drafts and shaky window frames

It is the most common sign of window replacement. Drafts and shaky window frames are safety hazards and also considerable discomfort. It will lead to a significant increase in energy bills as well. The rattling sound of windows on a breezy night is also irritating. Thus, you need to consider a replacement.

There’s too much noise

One of the significant advantages of windows is that they provide soundproofing to your home and prevent outside noises from coming in. Old windows fail at this compared to the new ones, made with soundproofing technology. Lately, if your windows fail to stop outside noises from entering your home, you need new windows.

Thinking about renovating

If you are considering renovating your home to enhance its curb appeal, window replacement can make a huge difference in giving it a fresh and new look. Also, if you are considering selling your home, new windows will appeal more to potential buyers. They enhance the appearance of the overall exterior and interior of your home. It will positively impact the resale value of your home, helping you negotiate better. You can choose from the latest styles, designs, and shapes to enhance the appearance of your home.


Knowing the right time to replace your windows is very important. New windows may seem pricey initially, but they have many cost-related benefits in the long run, like better energy efficiency, comfort, and home security. If you want to ensure whether your windows need replacement, look for these seven signs to determine the right time and way. A professional company can help you get the best windows for your home that will meet all your needs and requirements at the right price.

Sarah Cantley

Editorial Head at UK Blog for Business & Startup.

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